This place, for all its beauty and high ratings, does not care about a certain demographic of its customers. I was so excited to come here, but their scam-based booking and gaslighting techniques ruined what was supposed to be an amazing experience and trip.
My room was hot and miserable and changed from what was originally booked due to their glitchy site. The atmosphere though nice, is completely overhyped and NOT worth the price. I stayed at basic hotels that had more luxurious rooms. Always ready to upcharge for their own screw-up. I wouldn't say I like this place and definitely feel it misses the high-class service mark they boast through their marketing. I will never go back and never EVER deal with the Omni chain again after such a horrible horrible experience here. First time in my life I was so turned off from a place that I immediately left after checking in. Luxury experience my ass.