Attempting to travel from Bali to Sorong. Lion air flight booked with a stop in Makasar. The flight was scheduled for 7am but when we arrived at 5am the gates were closed until 5:30 and then we were told it’s probably coming at 9am. Our connection was scheduled for 10:50. We get delayed again until 10:20 as the original plane broke down and we were waiting for another one. Finally in flight, we land, taxi in and then sit for an hour. No explanation at all. I check google maps and see that we are in Borneo, not Makasa. Completely wrong airport. One of the passenger pulls it out of the smiling staff that they landed at the wrong airport and we’re going to need to take back off and go to the correct airport. Still not any explanation from the flight crew, just seatbelt sign on, prepare for takeoff.