We are going to the Grand at the end of November, it is our first time at an all inclusive hotel. Is it customary to tip the waiters and the bartenders, and if yes, what is a decent tip? Thank you for any help!
We are going to the Grand at the end of November, it is our first time at an all inclusive hotel. Is it customary to tip the waiters and the bartenders, and if yes, what is a decent tip? Thank you for any help!
coxy you are tacking this way to seriuosly, if you want to tip tip pleas. but only when the service is good.mister taylor is right, most off the tip the have to give to there supervisor ,and off the end off the month it will be split through all off there workers, thats what some starfriends told us when we were at the grand this july. the starfriends gets more %, because the are working different hours. also you have to fill out a firm when you are at the grand off the end of your vacation with a lot off qestion the are offten asked for a name off the emplo, who did a great job for you when you were on vac. starf told us the names who are doining a great job they are getting an exstra bonus off the end of the month. thats why you must fill out the form. but you are there in dec ,so you will see for your relves ,its a great resort ,with a lot off good empol, so you can tip a lot if you want. we did tip a lot, mister taylor we are 44444. so i hope youwill have a great holid relaxxxxxx.
Snoebel, that's right-I almost forgot, at Sandals they reward their staff with gifts. Those that do a really good job get presents. We had one bartender that was phenomenal and we wrote a nice letter about him. The next time that we went he was so proud to show off his new watch. It really is nice to see the programs that these companies have to reward their employees that go above and beyond, kind of like ours here.
We first encountered the full force of tipping when we went to Florida (2001), where we felt that it was expected of us and that it had to be 15% or more! Coming from the uk we tip what we feel is right for the service and it's usually £5-£10, but if Florida if you didn't make it at least 15% you got very strange looks! Some places even put what you were expected to pay as a service charge and also seemed to expect a tip!!
We are quite naive tippers, so maybe we do over tip (sorry) but when the service is so good and friendly we feel it's deserved. We never feel that it's expected and the staff always seem surprised and happy to receive it in Mexico. The Iberostar staff are so wonderful, they make our holiday even more special, so what's the problem with giving a little extra directly to the people who have cared for you?
I try to be as discrete as possible, tend to palm the tip and pass it in a hand shake. But if the waiter is busy we will tuck it under the plate (don't shoot me!)
I didn't realise that there was such a problem with tipping until this thread.
John Taylor, 3 pages earlier you said...
"Maybe it is time to put this subject to bed and move on to other things as it has been beaten to death .and some people are getting a bit hot under the collar -and that is something that is NOT wanted in this forum . GOOD BYE --- JOHN TAYLOR "
Was I reading too much into it when you said "GOOD BYE"? I thought it meant you were no longer following this thread. Now on page 6 you've come back with many paragraphs of misleading information. I think you're really beginning to understand that many people simply do not share your point of view and you're having a hard time dealing with it. We can all have differing points of view, can't we?
Also, I am a little concerned that you "are getting a bit hot under the collar - and that is something that is NOT wanted in this forum". More to the point, your latest post didn't say anything about a resort giving a set portion/percentage of my resort fees to the workers. It said that a couple of employees would get some type of "bonus".
I'm trying to follow your logic and apply it to my viewpoint. See if you can follow...
1) Earlier you told us that you always receive great service.
2) You also mentioned you rarely tip, because the resort has included a gratuity in your bill, which is passed on the employees.
3) Your latest post says only a couple people get some type of "bonus".
This just doesn't add up. If you usually get great service, but only a couple people get a "bonus", don't you think the remaining employees who've given you great service are being short changed?
BTW, even though your last post clearly demonstrates that most resort employees get bupkus, I think you fabricated most of your information to fit your OPINION.
everybody take a chill pill mr taylor is as stated in one of his posts 79 years old so give him a break he may not have all his faculties
I am stunned by some of the postings that people have made in the last few days. It is very obvious to me that we are seeing an issue from completely different sides because of our very different life experiences. In Canada , and as I have learned from this forum in Europe, tips are presented for exceptional service when at an all-inclusive resort. In parts of the USA tipping must be much more common. I think we can agree to disagree on that one.
I still am adament that flashing cash in an obvious manner to bribe for service is just plain tacky!
I also think it is tacky to pick on a 79 year old man for sharing his experience and opinion. You can disagree with his opinion but do you have to be nasty to the person. I think it is fabulous that he is on a computer sharing his wealth of experience with us. I believe his writing style is different than us junior members of tripadvisor and that is why he said good bye. Maybe you could cut him a little slack. He is someones Grandfather and maybe even Great-grandfather!!!
did you also know that when its slow season that employees are asked to take time off from work without pay to avert layoffs that is a fact and i will bet the price of a weeks vacation at the grand for two anybody to prove me wrong
Tipping! Again!!! Put it to rest and get on with your lives and stop insulting each other. Adults?????
"In parts of the USA tipping must be much more common."
You almost got it right. Tipping is not much more common in some parts, it is expected in all parts of the service industry in the US, namely bartenders and waiters. Their income greatly depends on it, as their salary is pretty small. If their service/attitude stinks, I'll stiff them. Otherwise I generally tip my waiter/waitress 15-30%.
"I think we can agree to disagree on that one."
Best thing I've heard since page 1
"I also think it is tacky to pick on a 79 year old man for sharing his experience and opinion."
During his life experiences, he should have learned to temper his words better and talk to people like he would like to be talked to. You and I share totally differing opinions, but I don't feel like you are being disrespectful.
"Maybe you could cut him a little slack."
When people rant, rave and write opinions as fact, I find it hard to do so. This site is about finding help and helping others in their travels. It isn't about imposing one's will on the masses.
z2589, it isn't polite to post to a thread with a condesending attitude, with the sole purpose of stirring the pot. It doesn't help anybody. Some refer to it as trolling.