We are going to the Grand at the end of November, it is our first time at an all inclusive hotel. Is it customary to tip the waiters and the bartenders, and if yes, what is a decent tip? Thank you for any help!
We are going to the Grand at the end of November, it is our first time at an all inclusive hotel. Is it customary to tip the waiters and the bartenders, and if yes, what is a decent tip? Thank you for any help!
I know this posting will probably start a riot but what the heck. We usually put our tip on the table, like under the salt and pepper or something, as soon as we sit down and the staff falls all over us. Is this tipping "to get" good service rather than for "getting" good service? Maybe so but we feel that we're going to do it anyway so why not assure ourselves of something for the $$ we will leave anyway. I'm putting on my bulletproof vest now!
I have to agree with the comments from "missouri" as I have been at a number of all inclusives and tipping really is a no-no. As an example, at Grand Lido in Jamaica if a staff member is seen taking a tip, they will be fired. While this doesn't mean that people do not try to slip them something, it must be done cautiously as it is not worth their job. Obviously people are going to tip if they want, but it certainly is important to know that it is not necessary, and at times could really be a problem for the worker.
If I thought it would jeopardize someone's job I wouldn't do it. The places I've been to had no such policy. I'm sticking to my guns that when they say gratuities are included, they mean we don't have to give the staff anything. It does not mean they get ANY of what we've paid. They get a very low hourly rate and if it's a crime to give them a few dollars then I'm guilty. Come on, we're talking about what we'd pay for a coffee here! I can't imagine it's going to topple the all-inclusive economic structure if you give your waiter, who's been bending over backwards, making your mix and match, all you can eat, any way you like it, dinner, a $5.00 bill. If you don't want to tip, then don't, but not doing so because you're afraid someone's going to get into trouble is just looking for justification. Whew!
Just my opinion, but I think leaving a tip sitting on the table during the meal is a bit insulting to the staff. We have always had good service and attribute it to being polite, friendly and patient. When we receive excellent service we often tip which of course in Mexico means we tip frequently. We do this because we want to not because we feel we have to. I think waving cash around in the hopes that you get only the best service is also a bit selfish. Everyone at the resort has paid for the privilege of good service so it always amazes me when some believe that they deserve more than anyone else.
What I don't understand is why everyone looks at tipping in places like Mexico as any different from tipping here. If you go into a restaurant here and you give the bartender or maitre d' a tip for something like a good table, does everyone else start screaming "foul" because they might not get as good a table? Hey, like it or not, $$ makes the world go round. Just pretend you're here when you think about tipping etiquette, instead of having the mindset that because the majority of people working at these resorts are poor that things are different. I'm not passing judgement on anyone who chooses to latch on to the "gratuities included" wording in their trip voucher as their reason for not giving a small amount of cash to people who work for near slave wages. Instead of thinking people who tip are "ruining it for the rest of us" think about someone else beside yourself. If you give out 100. on a 4000. trip it falls far short of the 20% we think nothing of giving here.
Wow coxy29a, you might want to read my response more carefully. I did not disagree with tipping, I just disagreed with flashing money around and thinking that because of this special attention is deserved. As mentioned we have always received fantastic service without needing to flash the bills so I do not believe this strategy is necessary. Approach it the way you want but I would hate to see the day that only people with a $20 bill sitting under the salt shaker get service.
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What are forum guidelines?On the topic of tips...I do tip my kid's bus driver, my mailperson and my garbage man...maybe not what you are used to but here on LI in my neighborhood it is the norm....so yes, I will tip on my next trip......
good morning can and usa from a cold bud sunny holland,i always thought that you tip after a good meal, friendly staff,and good service? put it under a salt and pepper pot its a litlle odd for us hahahah,what do you do when there is no salt and pepper pot? hahahah.
Mr John Taylor, that was an excellent reply and reflected exactly the way I was brought up also. I find the attitude about the "most toys "offensive but I do believe this might be a cultural issue or perhaps the writer is very young and has some growing up to do. Thankyou for expressing the opionion of many here so well.