"...We love aquatic animals too, but do not know to swim and have never snorkeled. So cruises focused on snorkeling and diving will not be a good match.."
Sorry, but i disagree.
Ever since JAWS came out i avoided the water. Even fresh water.
I DONT swim either.
On the cruise i went on, this is how it went...
> on the ship..everyone got fitted for wetsuit. If they wanted . And were given snorkle and mask. Everything was rented. You had option of bringing your own as some did.
> EVERYONE put on life vests before boarding dingys. Then we all went to an island with a shallow protected bay.
> EVERONE was check on their gear/ability.
> THE water was warm rnough for me i decided to ditch the wetsuit after.
> my snorkel leaked and i had to wait until returning for a different.
> next snorkrl, i just wore my life vest and working snorkel/mask. 0 PROBLEM !!!!
> we had 1 or 2 off the boat snorkrls. But you just slide off the dingy. 1 was back onto the dingy but they had ladder too.
> evrn with my fears i was so glad i gave it a try.
> i bought an underwater PnS camera and was taking photos. It worked fine too.
> by the wsy, you have time to try this at home if you want. Im sure you have YMCA or School with a pool? Maybe neighbor? See if you cam get a life vest, wear it and get into the water. You wont be able to "dive" as those with wetsuits or swim suits, but you can and will float..and still enjoy.
I just floated smd tried to move sbout. Sometimes we wete fighting the current too.
By the wsy, our ship had 2 dingys, so they kept sn eye on everyone. If you eanted out..just raise amd cross your arm. They would come amd get you. Snd they were not far awsy either.
And there were several others that also wore vests too!
Good luck