some disclosures...
> 62 y/o solo male traveler. been doing so since 2012 where i started off in Europe. Then a several trips later switched to S.America and working my way up to the USA.
> My 1 month trips cost me 5K USD. This is for EVERYTHING other than food. Your eyes maybe popping out of your head for the 5K but if you can stop and catch your breath and put your eyes back in, consider what i got for the 5K. One month of travel for EVERYTHING other than food, IN both Europe AND S.America. If you want, do the math. thats about 165$ USD/Day. How much does it cost you per day to live in SFO? maybe go to/from work? I do my own research and planning. I start by buying some travel books first and read any and all relevant sections. Then i use a spreadsheet. And i also use a map too.
> now in the Galapagos, my 5K budget was not so 5K anymore due to the cruise. yes, 10K USD is alot of money, and i would say 5K USD is too. but i look at it as that was 2 of my yearly trips. Also, it wasnt like someone shoved a gun in my face and took that 10K. I was able to go to someplace thats unique and cool and i got something for it. Something that its part of me and my memory. in any case, it cost me 7K+ USD for the cruise part since i had to pay for SS - Singles Supplement. Note i think the link below has info on ships without SS.
> here is a link to a post about last minute trips/cruises. I didnt do my trip that way, i PLANNED my trip months ahead. why? because i will go on those trips not wish, or hope. I knew the costs up front event though they were more and my travel books said so. If you have the time to go and do the "wait n see" go for it. I didnt. I had places to go before and after, so i had to plan for that cruse, just as if i was going to some other place.
> its up to you how you want to do this. But consider this. will it be free or cheap to fly there? what about time off of work? there is no free ride.
> If you want to make travel less painfull for your wallet (again it wont be free), then you will need to do the work to do so. Sorry, again, its not free in the work department either. But i find my time is less expensive than my travels and i have the time to do the work. You will find the time too if you really want to do anything in life.
> but use a spreadsheet. they are great in that you can input numbers and then use the handy SUM feature to see how much that trip may cost you. If you really want to try and do it yourself, you will do the work but herre are some hints....
>------- Start by looking at your transportation. This will probably be your #1 costs. The cost threshold is up to you. I use anything > 50 USD. Again, you can use whatever threshold number you want. So, look at your flight first. chances are your puddle jumpers wont be free and will be > 50 USD.
>-------- Lodging will be your #2 costs . again travel books will have budget/ranges. or if you want, look at using any of the search engines..... such as... Input your dates and budget/range if yuou want and then look at what is available for your dates. you can use the map feature too showing where they are located. Note, you may see a pattern. Places closer to the "place" is more expensive. Places away from that "place" is less expensive. But consider the time & money lost commuting. How will you commute? walk? or taxi? or bus? Also, consider how much TIME you will be there? a few days or a LIFETIME? a few days wont cost that much in the long term, but a LIFETIME, it will add up. I think there were/are Hostels down there. How does using a bunk/bed in a hostel sound to you?
"...2. Where should I fly into from San Francisco, SFO?.."
> does it make sense to fly from NYC? if you live in SFO? Do what works for you and your time and budget. If you want, look at other "nearby" airports. But can you get there for free? what about time lost? is that free? But again ,use a spreadsheet. Look at flying out of SFO first and then look at the numbers. If you need to trim some numbers, then look at other places to use.
> also, in my way of thinking, i want to fly TO where i want to go. You may find some cheaper flight that may say, go to NYC first THEN to Galapagos. what about time lost? And when you start adding any connections, ANYTHING can go wrong to make you miss that flight or that flight may not show up.
>only YOU will know what you are willing to accept in costs - time & money. If its cheaper to fly from LAX for example ? what about travel time and cost? What if you drive? what about your car and where to park? for how many days or weeks?
> im sure you have limited time to do this trip too. So, would it not be the better thing to get there ASAP and have some fun than to spend more time flying someplace you dont want to be? does warming a seat plane equate to the Galapagos?
".....3. Are there good cheaper tours?..."
> dont know. I dont know whats "cheap". Try using numbers. you did for the 10K USD.
".....4. What kind of other tips to keep in mind for DIY visit?..."
> Again, get a travel book and start reading.
> If you really want to travel and more you WILL do the work necessary. I wont say it will fall into your lap with a pretty pink bow, but if you want it bad enough, doing some work wont stop you. Also, once you do a few trips, you may find that others will get easier. Chancs are your 1st DIY trip will take more time, just like anythig else you have LEARNED to do in the past.
good luck
Edited: 13 February 2024, 00:58