This is a 35min looping show, inside a big building.
There are several problems with the building: 1) inconvenient location at Market & Van Ness. 2) inside features of the building are visible during the video, and can be slightly distracting. Well, this building was not originally a movie theater.
After entering the viewing area and settling in (pick a circle or bench or stand somewhere), you are drawn into the experience, but it took me a while to get comfortable.
The projections and semi-animation of the paintings are beautiful to watch, and the music accompanying the progression of paintings works well. I really did enjoy the show, but in my opinion, it is worth about $30, not ~$50/ticket. My family of 5 spent ~$300 to see this; I think WAY OVERPRICED. There are even more expensive "VIP" tickets you can buy; DON'T DO IT. You don't really need the free seat cushion or poster, and the view from above it not better, and even with timed entry tickets you can go in early or later. It was not crowded (probably due to high ticket price).
We watched the sequence several times, so we could change our seating around the room and catch details we missed the first time.
When you are done watching the show, you exit into the gift shop (what a surprise), which is similarly OVERPRICED. But we bought some items anyway. (would have bought more, though, if prices were more reasonable).
Basically this is a unique experience and the show is great. I would rate it 4 or 5 stars if the ticket price was more on the order of ~$30, which is really what it is worth (since venue is sub-standard for this experience).