I did an amazing 4-day trip with Team4Adventure in January 2023. I contacted them a few months before arriving in Rishikesh. I've done kayaking maybe 20 times in my life, but only flatwater, and only for a few hours at a time. After booking the trip with Team4Adventure I did have a few group lessons in my local swimming pool, mainly to get confortable with wet exits and T-rescues, although also to attempt to learn to roll independently (mostly unsuccessfully).
The trip really exceeded by expectations. The trip started after we drove from Rishikesh a few hours upstream to Srinagar (Uttarakhand). The next 4 days we spent kayaking down the river. I spent some of my time in a hardshell kayak, but did the bigger rapids in a 2-person inflatable 'ducky'. Really exhilarating for a beginner like me - lots of capsizing - but I felt really well-looked-after by the team, and always had a safety kayaker looking out for me. I mostly managed to wait for T-Rescues, although if I wet-exited that was ok too. Beautiful scenery throughout, and amazing campsites on mostly-deserted riverside beaches. The food was really good too - I was expecting sandwiches etc for dinner, but instead received 3-course feasts include some BBQ, with simpler sandwiches etc for lunch. I was warned that the water would be cold in January, but it really wasn't too bad - much better than the UK anyway.
The whole trip was great fun, with lots of 'off-the-beaten-track' experiences that I wouldn't usually have had as a tourist. We even rescued a rooster (see the picture) who was about to meet a watery grave, and kept it safe for the rest of the trip! Thanks for everything - was a really memorable trip!