When visiting Cartegena, especially the walled city one of the experiences you will want to have is a sunset cruise. Given the geographic location of the city there is always an opportunity for a spectacular sunset. This can be seen from many locations on the northern city wall. Many however look to take it up a notch by experiencing a sunset cruise.
Here are a couple of suggestions that might help you maximize your experience.
First of all the sunset cruises are not really "cruises" at all. I just about all cruise options the boats of various shapes and sizes cruise out of the inner harbour to a second bay, drop anchor and watch the sunset, then cruise back. Not much of a cruise but it is a worthwhile adventure when visiting Cartegena. You will find vendors all over the city offering these cruises. My suggestion is not to buy from one.
The cruises leave every night about 5:00pm from the dock just south of the clock tower gate. If you plan on going scout out this location prior to your cruise and check the boats, the price, and the beverage package.
Generally cruises run 100,000 to 200,000 pesos per person. For this price you will get the cruise about 90 minutes to 2 hours plus a beverage package. Some offer a single drink, some offer an open bar, some boats are large some are small. They seem to go out 95%-100% capacity. There is not much chance to luck out and get an empty boat. By doing our homework we got a cruise on a smaller boat 100% capacity, with unlimited rum drinks. It certainly wasn't fancy but it was fun. For this we paid 90,000 pesos per person.
Vendors will accept credit cards but you will pay an additional charge for the use of a credit card so pay with cash and save an extra 10,000 pesos per person.
Just about all boats require bare feet so it is an idea to wear flip flops to make the trip easier. Do your research prior to your trip and you can select the boat of your choice, with the beverage package of your preference and the price point of your choosing.
The loading process takes about half an hour and the dock is a mad house of activity as the boats load. It is an entertaining process all on its own.
A little homework and pre planning will help you maximize your experience and minimize your cost.