A duty-free shop is a retail outlet whose goods are exempt from the payment of certain local or national taxes and duties, on the requirement that the goods sold will be sold to travelers who will take them out of the country, who will then pay duties and taxes in their destination country.
So stores like this exist in all airport terminals around the world... they sparkle and have everything that you have read about or secretly desired. I was once captivated by the stores and no trip was complete without a trip to one...but I have learned over time that they are simply a lure to purchase things that you do not necessarily need.
The joy in visiting one of these stores lies in the time where you need something that is a quality item and they are conveniently located.
I do have to say though, I liked the Easter decorations at Dubai Airport...they do entice you in with glittery things... or in this case, a giant golden bunny.