I'm a guest at The Marriott, and I was in the spa/pool today and was shocked by how the young man at the desk treated me. Two men came into the workout area (which is not separated by any walls, just sheer curtains) and started playing loud hip-hop music from their portable speaker. I went and asked the man at the desk to ask them to either turn it off or use headphones, (which is normal etiquette in every gym or spa I've visited).
The loud, pounding music had already driven another couple out of the pool area and, another guest also remarked that it was highly inappropriate to force others to listen to their personal choice of music.
The man at the desk glared at me and said, "well if you don't like it, you can leave and come back later"! I asked if he was joking and he started repeating the same sentence over and over, and got louder and louder. I explained to him how inappropriate it was and all he said was, "you are welcome to leave"! I told him I was going to complain to the Marriott Management and he said, "go ahead!!". I asked his name but ofcourse, he wouldn't tell me. At that point he was so angry he could barely control himself so I quickly left the spa. This incident took place on Oct. 26, 2023 around 12:15 pm.